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Showing posts from July, 2018

Summer Book Study - "Seven Fallen Feathers: Racism, Death, And Hard Truths in a Northern City"

I was on Twitter the other day and came across a post from @VoicEdCanada about a Summer book study with fellow educators. The book: "Seven Fallen Feathers" by Tanya Talaga. I have always been interested and perplexed by Canadian/Indigenous history, and thought it would be a good fit. Plus, it's  the summer, and I get bored out of my mind, so it's a perfect way to break up the boredom, while also reading about an area of Canadian history that we often gloss over. I quickly ordered my copy of the book from Amazon, and awaited its arrival. Not even 48 hours later, it arrived on my doorstop, and I quickly opened it up and took in the cover. Immediately I knew I was in for an important, but emotionally heavy read. I've always been an empathetic or sensitive person. Things affect me whether I want them to or not. My first teaching practicum placement was with an amazing educator, whose name I won't share here since I haven't cleared it with him. He open...