A big part of my approach to teaching is my own learning. I feel like it's important to always question my methods and to look for different ways to improve myself as an educator, as well as the learning experiences for my students. Today I begin a new learning adventure with the Teaching English Language Learners, Part 2 Additional Qualification course. My goal is to complete my Specialist this year, so I thought that this was a great start. Also, taking this AQ would help with my "mourning the loss" of my ESL courses (see previous post here for more info), so really, it has a double purpose in my professional life. As I was navigating the D2L (course site) program, the instructor suggested a journal or a blog to help document and reflect on my learning to help make it more long-lasting and meaningful. Right away, I figured that this was the perfect outlet - I'm struggling still with my new teaching assignment, so this way, I can blog in a purposeful and help...