So, I found this post, unpublished and forgotten, and felt it was worth posting, even though it has been a long while since I first wrote it. It has been a tough year for me - this is the first year where I have really felt that I've hit a wall, and that I need the summer to help recover. This post was from November - I was taking two courses at the time (yes, I know that's crazy), and this one was referring to the online course I was taking about Indigenous history in Canada, called Stolen Lives. Certainly an important lesson, though difficult, and I believe it's worth the share. Here it is: The past week or so have felt so long and arduous. There has been so much to do, but it has felt like there aren't enough hours to complete it all. In the Stolen Lives course I am taking, we have been learning more about the Residential School system, and hearing and/or reading first hand accounts. It has been a very heavy week, as this material is difficult and carr...
It is hard to believe that I am sitting here, and it is already November! Midterms are fast approaching (due next week), my AQ course is quickly progressing, and life is crazy! This post is going to be all over the map - much like my brain these days! I am doing so many different things right now, so, as the title implies, madness is a great descriptor for my brain and my life these days. As a new teacher, I never really appreciated the chaos of the profession, particularly if you choose to get involved in various committees or groups within the school/Board. I've always been someone who loves to be busy, so I welcome this chaos with open arms. That being said, if you want to get involved in multiple projects, etc. make sure you have a really good calendar system! I struggle with an electronic calendar (which is quite humorous when you consider my passion for technology) versus a paper calendar. I didn't even bother purchasing a paper calendar this year, thinking I would be...